Choral NotesService Music for May
May 2, 10am - St. James Choir sings Psalm 23 by
Sensmeier and He Shall Feed His Flock by Handel.
May 9, 10am - Jubilate Choirs sing/ring Christ Is
Risen and Easter Is the Season; St. James Choir sings
The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee, O Lord by Harris
May 16, 10am - Handbell Choir rings Alleluia! Jesus
Is Risen; St. James Choir sings Tallis' If Ye Love Me
May 23, 10am - St. James Choir sings Ferguson's
arrangement of All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
May 22, 2pm - Rev. Anderson's Institution and the
Administrative Building Dedication: multiple choirs lead and Bishop
Stanton celebrates with us
May 30, 10am - Brass ensemble under the leadership of
Allen Buffington; Handbell Choir; St. James Choir
The New Choir Room Given to the Glory of God and in Thanksgiving for his Gift of Music by Dr. George & Patsy W. Poulos St. James ChoirSt. James Choir (adults and interested high school youths) resumes rehearsals on Wednesdays (7:00-8:15pm) after Labor Day. This is the principal choir of our parish, leading in each Sunday's 10:00am choral eucharist. The choir leads traditional Evensong worship and other special services in the liturgical year. A spring concert is planned, combining with the choirs of First United Methodist and First Presbyterian Churches (AR). Bel CantoBel Canto is an ad hoc vocal and instrumental ensemble of Junior and Senior High School youths. This group participates in select services throughout the year. Rehearsal days and times vary. Benedictus ChoirBenedictus (ben-eh-DICK-toose, Latin for "bless the Lord") Choir (grades 3-6) begins with a game/snack time on Wednesdays, 3:45-4:00. An hour rehearsal follows. Instruments add variety to the choir's experience as members develop a good understanding of the language of music. The RSCM program (see below) provides the foundation for the choir's work. Benedictus sings monthly in the 10:00 service and occasionally performs in retirement homes. Jubilate ChoirJubilate (yoo-bi-LAH-tay, Latin for "rejoice") Choir begins its second full year in September. This program gives preschoolers and early elementary students enriching faith experiences using music, instruments, Bible stories, related activities, and prayer. Jeanette Hogue serves as our new co-leader. Children ages 3-grade 2 meet from 4:00-5:00 Tuesday afternoons. (This is primarily a training choir.) Handbell ChoirThe Handbell Choir builds upon a strong year of growth. Members meet at 5:15 Thursdays to ring our beautiful Whitechapel handbells. The choir rings in worship once a month, and for residents of retirement homes. InstrumentalistsInstrumentalists are a welcome addition to our worship on festivals and other occasions. Contact the Organist & Choirmaster for further information. RSCM Choir ProgramOur young choristers gather weekly to begin the disciplined and enjoyable work of a chorister following the training program established by the Royal School of Church Music in America. This style of training promotes self-discipline, healthy self-esteem, and an ability to communicate articulately in the context of a group activity. All of these skills will benefit the chorister throughout his/her life. In all three levels of training, the overall goal is to increase musical experience and enjoyment in the context of Christian worship. Each level highlights five skill areas: General Training, Musical Skills, Vocal Skills, Repertoire, and Christian Education. A system of awards and recognition motivates choir members to achieve their best in the process of learning. Once the first level's requirements are completed and established in the child's work, he/she receives a beautiful pewter medal on a light blue ribbon that is worn with vestments. All choir members begin at the light blue level, working through dark blue to the red ribbon. For most choristers, it is expected to take at least several months or a whole choir season to complete a level. Members may aspire to achieve Head Chorister status, which involves another set of mentoring responsibilities. Head Choristers receive a different medal to wear with vestments. We pray that this training program will help our young people grow in their citizenship, presenting skills, and musical skills, to be faithful stewards of their God-given gifts. Your prayers for this ministry are greatly appreciated. Choir rehearsals include the use of our expanding store of musical instruments, handbells, and musical games. Snacks (provided by Choir Parents) are served before youth choir rehearsals on school days. Transportation is available for those who need it. (The parish van currently picks up students after school on Tuesdays, and families assist one another in carpooling.) For further information, contact Organist & Choirmaster Ruth Anderson at 903-794-9224, 903-773-5030, or rutha@stjamestxk.org.
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